Total ABA Species Recorded During 2010 - 731

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dusky Warbler - #700

My last day in Gambell "dawned" dark, windy, and rainy.  So, what's new!  After breakfast of French toast and bacon, I made the decision not to participate in this morning's seawatch, and instead to begin the process of getting my stuff together.  That decision held for a couple of hours, even after the return of our guys from the seawatch.  But it went out the window when the two-way radios chattered that Aaron Lang had found a Dusky Warbler near the radio towers near the point.  It didn't take me long to get ready for the soggy out-of-doors and to hop on the back of the ATV behind Bill and race over the gravel to the point.  The bird was not being seen when we arrived.  All of the birders present formed the usual line and swept through the area with the result that the bird was re-found.  As with the warbler yesterday, this bird was flushed and re-flushed until all those who wished had gotten satisfactory looks at it.  I was congratulated all the way around for reaching the Seven Hundred Mark, a mark I didn't think was possible when I began this year.  Getting to 700 was a large, joint effort, the product of much help from an enormous number of people all of whom I collectively thank here and now.  But the year is not over yet, and there are a few more birds I can get, and I intend to keep trying.  This afternoon, if the airline gods are with me, I'll board the Bering Air late afternoon flight (the one that didn't come two days ago!) for Nome.  Then it's on to Anchorage and California on a red-eye, where I'll do a series of three pelagic trips before I go back to Norfolk.


  1. HUZZZZAH! Hey, what about Pacific Wren and Mexican Whip-poor-will? Aren't there 2 splits this year? I like Dusky for #700, but at the end of the year, there should be some bonuses!

  2. Bob, I want to be you when I grow up! Congrats on reaching 700. I hope you're having a blast. Tom S.

  3. Way to go Bob 700


  4. Bob,
    Definitely a feather in your cap! Continued good luck.

  5. A big CONGRATULATIONS to you, my birding guru!! This is SO exciting! I know you are thrilled. Seven hundred species . . . WOW . . . amazing . . . Renee

  6. CONGRATS on #700!! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about all of your wonderful birding adventures. Hopefully some day I will be able to make it to Alaska and see some of these neat birds. The pressure is off now so relax and enjoy the rest of the year :<)

  7. Congrats Dad. I raised you well.

  8. Wow! Awesome! 2 amazing birds for 699 & 700.


  9. Congratulations Bob. It has been exciting following your quest all year. I'm sure the fat lady hasn't sung yet and that there is much more to come.
    John Murray

  10. #700 - Always knew you could do it!


    George and Rosemarie

  11. Well done, Bob. On to 701 and beyond!
    Craig Caldwell
