Total ABA Species Recorded During 2010 - 731

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Merlin at Back Bay

As part of our beach survey Sarah and I had just reached the North Carolina line having driven south on the beach from the refuge when Sarah pointed out a bird on a piece of driftwood. It was a Merlin and more to the point I was able to get in position, roll the window down, steady the camera, and take a series of photos in very poor light. This image was captured at 1/60 sec, so it's not as crisp as one might hope. However, I'm happy to have it. There wasn't much on the beach in the way of birds. The damage to the dunes from Ida was noteworthy with the primary dunes being breached in several places in both False Cape State Park and Back Bay NWR. Offshore many Northern Gannets were actively feeding as were many porpoises who included full jumps out of the water as part of their activity. Both Common and Red-throated Loons were seen, a few scoters of all three species, and some Red-breasted Mergansers.
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